VR/AR/MR Solutions

We provide VR(Virtual Reality)、AR (Augmented Reality)、MR (Mixed Reality, will have solution soon) hardward & software contents development kits solutions. The applications for the education, games, industrial, entertainment, simulated training...and so on.

VR (Virtual Reality) is the virtual reality close to reality. The device uses computer technology to simulate a highly realistic 3D space that gives users in a real life experience. In currently of technical factors, VR devices on the market are based on visual experience, and then assist some of the senses of auditory experience. By means of two split pictures corresponding to the left and right eyes, these devices play the same content but slightly different angles on both sides to simulate the parallax of the human eye. When users experience, you can get a sense of realistic space, with the music, will have a real feeling.

AR (Augmented Reality) is the virtual element into a projection by the combination of a projection or a video camera. One of the great features is to increase our understanding of the world by blending the elements of reality with reality. The world we are familiar with will be greatly different from the past through augmented reality.

MR (Mixed Reality) can be seen between the VR and AR as a comprehensive pattern. MR is the production of virtual objects but appear in real life. Different from AR, MR can combine the virtual scene with the real world more, connect in series and interact, that is to say, real life changes indirectly affect the virtual space.